A day of doing only a million things.......and then....thinking about the million more things that need to get done soon.
Here is my day.....
- wake early to tell hubby bye for the day
- shower, clean bedroom, get dressed
- get on computer to transfer funds from business account to personal account...because I went shopping on money that wasn't quite in my account yet ...almost fast enough.
- turn off Nash's alarm @ 6am...because even tho it keeps him in bed until 6...it scares the crap outta him if he is still sleeping.
- wake Sophie up....because, she keeps forgetting to turn ON her alarm
- coffee, pills, news & weather......
- ...while making my breakfast of shredded wheat & Nash's breakfast of leftover frozen pancakes from Sunday
- give Nash is medicine for the tonsillitis that is getting better, figure out what sweats that boy will wear today. That boy would wear sweats if it were 110 degrees outside!
- sit at the table, fill out paperwork for Sophie to take back to school, write checks to buy stuff for school
- while checkbook open....do I have any money????
- yell at Nash to get dressed & bribe him with watching Franklin on the living room TV if he will get dressed for school.
- load dishwasher, get out Roomba vacuum cleaner ....and get it ready to turn on when we leave for the day.
- start van so that it thaws out so I can drive AND see out of the windows.
- @ 7:42....we are out the door.
- drive to school listening to KHOP, and stupid stories....sometimes funny...sometimes just stupid. Today, STUPID
- arrive at school.
- lovely...moron crossing guard today. I have reported her 3 times already. How can you stand there, holding a sign that says STOP...and then waive people thru and wonder why people are pissed??? She is on my list of people to eliminate.
- check into school, visit with secretaries in school office...be drug out by 5 year old for talking too much.
- greet parents & teachers while walking to kindergarten.
- see several SSS Board members...we really need to get a meeting done SOON!
- I am on it!
- on playground...same crossing guard ....comes to me and asks when she should blow the whistle for the kids to line up.
- Eyes start to roll out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Line kindergartners up, wait for teacher to arrive.
- Hug many, many kindergartners and hear about their important stuff
- Excitedly greet teacher!
- Kiss Nash good bye....and hug many, many other kindergartners to start their day :)
- proceed out of school....but stopped several times.
- get in van. start van. press bluetooth in van. make phone calls
- Start to call Carla at work...but then remember I need to call client to see if there is a pick up/delivery today
- yes, there is
- Call Carla, leave message.
- drive to Starbuck's...really have to go to the bathroom...because I got sidetracked while at school and did not make it to the teachers lounge.
- relief!
- try to order a venti black iced tea no sweetener....and again...they are OUT!
- GRrrrr!
- back to van. drive towards pick up.
- call several BOD members, arrange meeting
- call school, book meeting room
- pull over and text a couple of people
- proceed to pick up
- at pick up...call Carla from foyer...tell her what is transpiring, catch up on latest.
- load pick up in van...drive
- in Angel's camp...stop at Starbuck's
- venti black iced tea no sweetener....VICTORY!
- drive to drop off/pick up site
- say hi to staff, catch up on latest
- relief...ok...old bladder....drives the kids crazy!
- drive back to original site
- make & receive a couple of calls...on bluetooth
- arrive at drop site....done! 10:30
- go to Fashion Bug, need new bras
- go to TJ MAXX, get sport shorts for Sophie's volleyball practice
- come home 11:30, get mail, relief, sort & start laundry
- 12:05, leave to pick up Nash
- 12:20...pick up Nash
- Nash must now...run up and down the hill in front of the school to get Sophie and her friends attention while they are eating their lunch, wait for the kids to tell him Hi.
- Load Nash in van...head home
- Nash lunch...same thing everyday. bologna, square cheese, blueberries and 6 Ritz crackers.
- move laundry
- Nash outside to play, I go to the computer to get some work done & emails read
- turn on video games for Nash
- listen to him complain that no one will play with him...but he is tired :)
- Nash watches America's Funniest Home Videos, Disneyland one...we have seen it a MILLION TIMES. He watches in my bedroom while I do the computer. I know the episode by heart and can comment on it with my back to it.
- 2:30, leave to pick up Sophie from school
- 2:43, visit with parents in pick up line
- 2:48, pick up Sophie, head home
- 3:00, arrive home
- Hubby on phone to pay for new dining room table
- 3:10, leave for HR Block
- 3:30, meet with tax lady...good news...not great but good!
- 4:00, home
- by now....I am tired!
- Hubby offers to drive Sophie to volleyball practice AND pick up take & bake pizza
- I love that man!
- While they are gone....
- I write agenda for tomorrow's BOD meeting
- Hubby and Nash come back from drop off & pick up of pizza
- 5:30, put pizza in oven
- 5:35, leave to go pick up Sophie...in my ugliest of jammies!
- come home eat dinner
- clean kitchen
- melt into old man chair...that I love!
I stop at 83 because I am tired of writing all of the stuff I do everyday.
Tomorrow's another day :)
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